

To celebrate the 10th year anniversary of ParaNorman, LAIKA collaborated with me through my YouTube Channel Film It Yourself to recreate a scene from their Oscar nominated animated feature film in live action!

I jumped at the chance to recreate and direct the scene where Norman help’s Neil play fetch with his dead dog Bub. Bub to be played by my Film It Yourself co-star Spence of course!

This scene feels especially personal to me, because one of the themes, both in the scene and overall in the film, is reconnecting with loved ones who have passed. I haven’t talked about this on the channel before, but at the beginning of 2021 my father passed away unexpectedly. Due to him being immune compromised I hadn’t seen him in person for over two years. Thus this beautiful scene of Neil connecting with his long lost best friend while forging a new friendship touched my heart.

I love how ParaNorman is a story about grief and how western cultural norms tell us we need to move on, when really maybe we can still have a connection to those who have passed and still remember them every day.